The area from St Tropez to the Poqurelles islands is scattered with numerous wrecks sitting on sandy bottoms with clear warm water. What more could a confirmed wreck diver ask for? There are also many scenic dives.
For more details read our diving descriptions.
The Mediterranean Sea is the largest closed sea in the world, 2500 miles wide. It is warm and temperate - neither reaching very high or very low temperatures. It is too cold for reef-forming corals and too warm for many of the marine animals of Northern Europe. It therefore has its own flora and fauna. The water is saltier than the Red Sea, but less salty than the Atlantic.
The Dordogne/Lot area is one of the greatest cave diving areas in the world. The three rivers, Dordogne, Lot and Cele in the central, southern region of France offer over a dozen classic cave dives including some of the longest and deepest "siphons" in the country, if not Europe: Emergence du Russel; La Doux de Coly; Trou Madam; Gouffre de Cabouy; Gouffre de St Sauveur; Fontain de St George; Oeil de la Doue are some of the evocative names given to these sites that are peppered throughout the region.